PRP LAW LLC represented the Lim Family i.e. Mr Lim Oon Kuin, Mr Lim Chee Meng and Ms Lim Huey Ching of Hin Leong Trading (Pte.) Ltd (In Compulsory Liquidation) in debtor’s bankruptcy applications. The Lim Family faced debts of close to S$6 billion. The main issue in dispute was who should be appointed as the Lim Family’s trustees in bankruptcy. The High Court laid down the principles to be applied when deciding between the debtors’ nominee and the majority creditors’ nominee, and also considered the issue of whether the majority creditors’ choice must always prevail. This is the first reported decision of its kind in Singapore involving personal insolvencies. The decision is reported at [2024] SGHC 328.
The case report can be accessed below.